Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hi, our names are Samatha and Megan and WE HAVE AN ADDICTION!

We have a routine we follow during the week that enables us to get to school #1 on time, #2 ready, #3 fed, #4 jobs done, and #5 most of the time happy(I emphasize most)... It takes ALOT of time to make this happen, especially with 5 girls. So, in order for this to happen, we wake them up at 6am. Early, I know! BUT IT IS THE ONLY WAY.

We also have a routine at night. 8:00 is bedtime and we allow them to read for 30 min. At 8:30 lights out!(SUPPOSEDLY)... Since my girls were little they have always loved reading... I guess we should count ourselves lucky. When 8:30 rolls along, they are always begging for a little more time... 'Just let me finish this chapter!' 'Can I least finish this page.' and on. and on. and on. We will walk in to check on them, and they will be under their covers, reading with a flashlight.... Or they will shut their door and ready by night light... It's ridiculous! Well, we have hit an all time desperation attempt.

I get a call from Chris at 6am, as he is leaving home for work. The girls(Sam and Meg! ALEX is a whole nother' blog) are up, ready and jobs done when Chris goes to wake them up. Chris is thinking that they are wonderful, I am wondering what they are up to.... So, I get home and ask them why they were already up when dad left? You can tell they are a little hesitant to answer... but do... They had gotten in trouble the night before from Chris for still reading at 9:30... So, they came up with the 'perfect' solution.... They set their alarm for 4:20am so they could READ!!!! Yes, my girls have an addiction!!! but could I think of a better one if I wanted to.....


  1. Crazy girls! I don't think there is anything that would get me out of bed at 4:30 am!!! I think it is great that your girls love to read so much, that's why they are so smart. Also I love their bedspread!

  2. oh my HILAROUS! i can't believe that would get up that early. let me know how long this last!

  3. I need to know what they're reading. I could use a good book.
